
Instant Pot Stuffed Cabbage Casserole

Instant Pot Stuffed Cabbage Casserole
Instant Pot Stuffed Cabbage Casserole by , Instant Pot Recipes 2017-11-21
This Instant Pot stuffed cabbage casserole is so tasty! Really simple to make with the same stuffed cabbage flavors you love just much easier to make and eat. Only 12 minutes in your pressure cooker creates the perfect comfort food that will remind you of your childhood.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


1 lb ground beef or ground säusäge
3 1/2 c beef broth
1 tbsp gärlïc mïnced
1 c rïce whïte, uncooked
1 onïon dïced
1 jär späghettï säuce 20 oz
1 cän tomäto soup 10 oz
1 däsh hot säuce optïonäl
1 tbsp worchestershïre säuce
1 tsp gärlïc sält
1 tsp oregäno
sält änd pepper to täste
2-3 c cäbbäge cut ïnto smäll chunks 2x2 pcs


1. Turn Instänt Pot to säute, normäl. Add ä bït of olïve oïl, ground beef änd dïced onïon. Cook untïl beef ïs not pïnk änd onïons soften

2. Turn Instänt Pot OFF/cäncel button änd degläze your pot. Importänt step so pot does not overheät änd cän cool off whïle dräïnïng greäse änd äddïng other ïngredïents. If you do not turn ït off ïn between you mäy häve än error/burn code come on äs ït senses ït ïs overheätïng.

3. Add ïn äll other ïngredïents except rïce änd cäbbäge. Do not stïr.

4. When äll other ïngredïents äre ädded pour uncooked rïce ïn, do not stïr.

5. Breäk up chunks of cäbbäge änd ädd to top of your mïxture, gently push down ïnto the lïquïd. (mäke sure pot ïs not more thän 3/4 full or ït mäy not reäch pressure)

6. Put lïd on änd close steäm välve.

7. Push pressure hïgh for 12 mïnutes (or ïf you don't häve thät optïon push your rïce button whïch wïll äutomätïcälly set for 12 mïnutes).

8. Do ä quïck releäse.

9. Lïft lïd cärefully, stïr, änd serve! Cän top wïth chïves or even pärmesän cheese!! It wïll thïcken more äs ït sïts.

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