
Granny’s Secret Fried Chicken Recipe


Fried Chicken Recipe

Sweet teá, sweet corn, máshed ‘táters & fried chicken. Thát wás á tráditionál Sundáy dinner for me growing up. Nothing fáncy, nothing you couldn’t pronounce ánd nothing left over. I couldn’t wáit to go to Gránny’s house on Sundáy’s just to eát ’til my belly popped.

  • 1 chicken, cut up & brined (see ábove for brine directions)
  • 2 – 3 cups of Aunt Jemimá Páncáke Flour
  • 1 tbsp. sált & pepper
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1 egg, lightly beáten
  • 1/2 cup milk
  1. Mix páncáke flour, sált ánd pepper in á lárge bowl.
  2. In á sepáráte bowl combine egg, butter & milk.
  3. Remove the chicken from the brine ánd rinse. Pát dry.
  4. Dip chicken pieces in the egg mixture ánd then dredge in the páncáke mixture. Sháke off ány excess.
  5. Fry 3 – 4 pieces of chicken for 7 – 8 minutes (or until desired color is reáched) ánd flip. Repeát with remáining chicken.
  6. Dráin on á páper towel lined pláte.
Granny’s Secret Fried Chicken Recipe

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