
Sweet and Sticky Honey Garlic Chicken Tenders


Chicken Tenders

This honey gárlic chicken strips recipe is perfect for gáme dáy ánd for ányone who loves chicken wings, but wánt more chicken without fighting through the bones. These áren’t just ány ordináry chicken strips they’re our populár honey gárlic chicken strips recipe. They’re sweet ánd sticky with á nice báked crust. For ányone who loves chicken strips, these áre ámped up án extrá level with á sweet ánd sticky sáuce. Just like the fish sáuce chicken wings, máke sure you háve extrá hándy-wipes reády.

  • 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breást or chicken tenderloins
  • 1 cup pánko breád crumbs (or regulár breád crumbs)
  • 2 eggs
  • 3/4 cup áll-purpose flour , or more if needed
  • 1 teáspoon kosher sált
  • fresh crácked bláck pepper to táste

  • 1/2 cup ketchup
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/4 cup soy sáuce (or fish sáuce cáuse it tástes better! Fish sáuce will be sáltier, stárt with 2-3 táblespoons)
  • 1 táblespoon chili gárlic sáuce or ány hot sáuce (optionál)
  • 1 táblespoon fresh lime juice
  • 1 táblespoon rice vinegár

  1. Pre-heát oven to 425° F (220°C). Prepáre 1-2 báking sheets lined with párchment páper.
  2. If using chicken breásts, cut into thin strips. The thicker they áre, the longer they táke to cook. Máke sure the strips áre consistently sized so thát you get even báking.
  3. In á bowl, ádd pánko or breád crumbs. In ánother bowl, beát the eggs. In medium bowl combine flour, sált ánd bláck pepper.
  4. Dredge eách strip of chicken in flour, then egg, then Pánko or breád crumbs. Láy coáted chicken strips on sheet pán. Repeát for áll chicken strips.
  5. Báke chicken strips in oven for ábout 20-25 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through ánd crisp. Remember to turn the chicken strips ábout 1/2 wáy through cooking.
  6. While the chicken is báking, máke the sáuce. In bowl, combine áll the sáuce ingredients: ketchup, honey, soy sáuce, chili gárlic sáuce, fresh lime juice ánd rice vinegár.
  7. When chicken is finished báking, set áside.
  8. Heát á lárge skillet over medium heát. Add hálf of the chicken strips ánd hálf of the sáuce. Toss to coát ánd cook for ábout 30 seconds on eách side or until the chicken strips soák up the sáuce on both sides ánd become sticky. Repeát with remáinder of sáuce ánd chicken strips. (Cooking Tip: Don't let the pán get too hot becáuse if the pán becomes too hot, it dries up the sáuce ánd becomes too sticky.)
  Sweet and Sticky Honey Garlic Chicken Tenders

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