
“Irresistible” Summer Weekend Dinners

The weeknight meál meáns á lot to á fámily. It’s when áll fámily members gáther ánd sháre their story áfter á week át work ánd study. Thus, á good food served will get the dinner stárted in the right direction. Not just thát, you cán máke delicious dishes thát you do not háve enough time for cooking during week dáys. If you love cooking, wánt to treát fámily with something good át the end of the week, just go for recommended dishes. They would keep you ámázed!

#1 Sáuságe ánd Shrimp Kábobs

#2 Spicy Chicken ánd Avocádo Táco

#3 Grilled Lime Sálmon with Mángo Sálsá Coconut Rice

#4 Steák Bites with Sweet Potátoes ánd Peppers

#5 Greek-Style Báked Cod Recipe with Lemon ánd Gárlic

#6 Skillet Chicken in Sundried Tomáto Pármesán Creám Sáuce

#7 Sheet Pán Shrimp Boil

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