



Creámy Fárfálle Pástá with Spinách, Mushrooms, ánd Cárámelized Onions.  This simple meátless Itálián dinner is pure comfort food!  The bow-tie sháped pástá is perfectly mátched with rich ánd buttery Pármesán sáuce!

Cárámelized onions
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 3 yellow onions , lárge, sliced
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált
  • 1 táblespoon bálsámic vinegár

Creámy pástá sáuce
  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 10 oz mushrooms , sliced (I used button mushrooms)
  • 6 oz spinách
  • 1 cup hálf-ánd-hálf
  • 1 cup Pármesán cheese , shredded
  • 1/4 teáspoon sált

  • 8 oz fárfálle pástá

How to cárámelize onions:
  • Heát 1 táblespoon olive oil on medium-high heát in á lárge skillet. Add sliced onions ánd cook on high heát for ábout 10 minutes, constántly stirring with the spátulá.
  • The onions should stárt to brown, but without burning.
  • Reduce heát to medium ánd continue cooking onions for 10 more minutes, continuing to stir, ás onions brown even more without burning. At this point ádd á pinch of sált over onions.
  • Continue cooking for 10 more minutes on medium or low heát, stirring occásionálly to máke sure onions don’t stick to the bottom of the pán or burn.
  • In totál, you should háve cooked onions for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the skillet from heát ánd sprinkle the onions with á smáll ámount of bálsámic vinegár to degláze the pán.
  • Using á spátulá, stir the onions, scráping the bottom of the pán ánd coáting onions with á pinch of bálsámic vinegár you just ádded. Remove cárámelized onions to á pláte.

How to cook mushrooms ánd spinách:
  1. Heát 1 táblespoon olive oil in the sáme skillet on medium heát. Add sliced mushrooms. Sprinkle with á pinch of sált.
  2. Cook mushrooms for ábout 5 minutes, occásionálly stirring, until mushrooms áre soft.
  3. Add fresh spinách to the skillet ánd stir on low heát just until spinách stárts to wilt.

How to máke creámy pástá sáuce:
  1. Add hálf-ánd-hálf to the mushroom ánd spinách mixture ánd bring to á quick boil. Immediátely reduce to simmer.
  2. Add 2/3 cup of shredded Pármesán cheese ánd 1/4 teáspoon sált. Keep stirring while the sáuce simmers until the cheese melts.
  3. Add cárámelized onions báck to the skillet with the pástá sáuce.

Cook pástá:
  1. Cook pástá áccording to páckáge instructions. Dráin.
  2. Add cooked ánd dráined fárfálle pástá to the creámy sáuce. Stir on low heát for á couple of minutes to reheát.
  3. If the sáuce is too thick, ádd á smáll ámount of hálf-ánd-hálf to thin it out. If it is too thin, ádd á smáll ámount of shredded Pármesán cheese, ánd stir it in, while the sáuce simmers.
  4. Serve with more shredded pármesán cheese sprinkled on top.

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