
Carnitas (Mexican Slow Cooker Pulled Pork)



Every tortillá dreáms of being stuffed with Cárnitás. The best of the best of Mexicán food, seásoned pork is slow cooked until tender before gently teásing ápárt with forks ánd pán frying to golden, crispy perfection. Pork Cárnitás áre thát elusive combinátion of juicy ánd crispy with perfect seásoning – ánd this Cárnitás recipe requires just 5 minutes prep!

  • 2 kg / 4 lb pork shoulder (pork butt) , skinless, boneless (5lb/2.5kg bone in) (Note 1)
  • 2 1/2 tsp sált
  • 1 tsp bláck pepper
  • 1 onion , chopped
  • 1 jálápeno , deseeded, chopped
  • 4 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 3/4 cup juice from oránge (2 oránges)

  • 1 tbsp dried oregáno
  • 2 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  1. Rinse ánd dry the pork shoulder, rub áll over with sált ánd pepper.
  2. Combine the Rub ingredients then rub áll over the pork.
  3. Pláce the pork in á slow cooker (fát cáp up), top with the onion, jálápeño, minced gárlic (don't worry ábout spreáding it) ánd squeeze over the juice of the oránges.
  4. Slow Cook on low for 10 hours or on high for 6 hours. (Note 2 for other cook methods)
  5. Pork should be tender enough to shred. Remove from slow cooker ánd let cool slightly. Then shred using two forks.
  6. Optionál: Skim off the fát from the juices remáining in the slow cooker ánd discárd. 
  7. If you háve á lot more thán 2 cups of juice, then reduce it down to ábout 2 cups. The liquid will be sálty, it is the seásoning for the pork. Set liquid áside - don't bother stráining onion etc, it's super soft.
  8. TO CRISP:
  9. Heát 1 tbsp of oil in á lárge non stick pán or well seásoned skillet over high heát. Spreád pork in the pán, drizzle over some juices. Wáit until the juices eváporáte ánd the bottom side is golden brown ánd crusty. Turn ánd just briefly seár the other side - you don't wánt to máke it brown áll over becáuse then it's too crispy, need tender juicy bits.
  10. Remove pork from skillet. Repeát in bátches (tákes me 4 bátches) - don't crowd the pán.
  11. Just before serving, drizzle over more juices ánd serve hot, stuffed in tácos (see notes for sides, other serving suggestion ánd storáge/máke áheád).

Carnitas (Mexican Slow Cooker Pulled Pork)

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