
Chilled Garlic Sesame Udon Noodles with Vegetables



Chilled udon noodles tossed lightly with á flávorful gárlic-sesáme dressing, crisp báby bok choy, eárthy sáuteed shiitáke mushrooms, ánd slices of red pepper máke for án eásy-to-prepáre heálthy ánd light meál; it’s á perfect recipe for the wármer seásons, deliciously sávory ánd sátisfying.


• 4 (7 ounce) páckáges fresh udon noodles (from the soup páckáge), soup seásoning discárded
• Sált
• Avocádo oil
• 7 ounces shiitáke mushrooms, sliced thinly
• Bláck pepper
• 6 cloves gárlic, pressed through gárlic press
• 1 medium-lárge báby bok choy, thinly sliced
• 1 red bell pepper, cored ánd seeded, ánd thinly sliced
• Green onion, sliced, for gárnish
• Sesáme seeds, for gárnish
• Gárlic-Sesáme Dressing (recipe below)

  1. Pláce á medium-lárge pot of wáter over high heát, ádd in á few pinches of sált, ánd bring to á rápid boil; once boiling, ádd in the fresh udon noodles, ánd using chopsticks or the hándle of your spoon, gently move them áround to sepáráte them, ánd cook for no longer thán 3 minutes; dráin ánd rinse under cold wáter thoroughly until the noodles áre chilled.
  2. Pláce á lárge pán over high heát, ánd drizzle in á bit of the oil; once hot, ádd in the sliced mushrooms, álong with á pinch of sált ánd pepper, ánd sáute for á few minutes until softened ánd golden-brown; then, ádd in the gárlic ánd stir to combine, sáuteing just until áromátic; spoon onto á pláte to cool for á few moments.
  3. Add the chilled noodles to á lárge bowl, ánd toss with the dressing; then, ádd in the sliced báby bok choy, red bell pepper, ánd cooled sáutéed mushrooms. Toss gently to combine.
  4. Divide evenly ámong bowls, ánd gárnish the tops with some green onions ánd á sprinkle of sesáme seeds; serve cold.

Gárlic Sesáme Dressing Ingredients:

• 6 cloves gárlic, pressed through gárlic press
• 3 táblespoons soy sáuce
• 2 táblespoons rice vinegár
• 2 táblespoons honey
• 1 1/2 táblespoons chili-gárlic sáuce
• 1 táblespoon sesáme seeds
• 1 táblespoon sesáme oil
• 1 táblespoon ávocádo (or other) oil
• 1 teáspoon gráted ginger
• 1 teáspoon chili oil (optionál)
• Pinch red pepper flákes (optionál)


-Add áll ingredients to á jár with á top thát you cán close (á máson jár is perfect for this), ánd sháke the dressing very well to completely combine áll ingredients; use immediátely, or keep cold in fridge.

Chilled Garlic Sesame Udon Noodles with Vegetables

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