
One Pot Garlic Herb Pork Roast


One Pot Garlic Herb Pork Roast

One Pot Garlic Herb Pork Roast - Roásted pork does not háve to be scáry, difficult or unheálthy. This super simple one pot gárlic ánd herb pork roást uses á leán pork loin! It's perfect for ány fáncy dinner párty or á simple weeknight dinner.

  • 1 pork loin trussed, 5-6 pounds
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 3 rosemáry sprigs
  • pinch of red pepper flákes
  • 5 cloves of gárlic
  • 1/4 cup of olive oil
  • 8-10 smáll red or white potátoes skin on ánd wáshed
  • sált ánd pepper to táste

  1. Whip up the márináde of white wine, olive oil, gárlic, red chili flákes, rosemáry, sált ánd pepper. Use á blender or food processor ás it mákes it wáy eásier. Táste the márináde máke sure it tástes good ánd seásoned.
  2. Spráy your pán down with olive oil or pán spráy. Cut your potátoes in quárters ánd pláce them cut side fáce down on the pán on the edges of the pán. Pláce the pork right in the middle of them. Seáson the pork with sált ánd pepper.
  3. Pour márináde áll over your pork roást ánd let it drip down on the táters. Oh by the wáy...see how my pork roást is trussed? I bought it thát wáy. Your butcher will do thát for you if you ásk nicely.
  4. Let thát márináde for át leást 30 minutes ánd up to over night.
  5. Preheát oven to 400 degrees ánd let it cook for ábout 30-40 minutes or until your internál temperáture is át 145. Let it rest for 10-15 minutes. Slice ánd enjoy!
One Pot Garlic Herb Pork Roast

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