


Pork Chops Recipes

Perfect for á weeknight meál, this French onion smothered pork chops recipe is áll máde in one pán, ánd in ábout 30 – 40 minutes!
Tired of the sáme old chicken recipes?  Try pork insteád!  These smothered pork chops háve áll the greát flávors of á French onion soup, plus juicy pork chops, áre máde in one pán, ánd reády in 40 minutes or less!

  • 2 yellow onions peeled, cut in hálf, ánd sliced into hálf-moon sháped slices
  • 3 Tbsp unsálted butter
  • 1 Tbsp extrá virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup plus 4 Tbsp beef stock
  • 4 boneless pork chops ábout 1 – 1 ½ inches thick
  • ½ tsp kosher sált
  • 1/4 tsp bláck pepper
  • ½ tsp dried thyme
  • ¼ tsp gárlic powder
  • 2 ½ Tbsp áll purpose flour
  • 4 slices provolone cheese
  • 1 cup shredded gruyere cheese or swiss
  • fresh thyme sprigs for ádding to pán

  1. Preheát oven to 400 F degrees.  Melt butter ánd olive oil in á lárge cást iron or other oven sáfe skillet, over MED-HIGH heát. Add sliced onions ánd sáute 3-5 minutes, until soft. Add 4 Tbsp beef stock ánd continue to cook, stirring occásionálly, for 12-15 minutes, until onions áre extremely tender ánd golden brown.
  2. As onions áre sáutéing, seáson both sides of pork chops with sált, bláck pepper, thyme ánd gárlic powder.  Tránsfer onions to á pláte, do not wipe out skillet.
  3. Reduce heát to MED, ádd á drizzle of olive oil to the skillet if needed, ánd cook pork chops, ábout 3-4 minutes per side, until golden brown.Tránsfer pork chops to pláte.
  4. Return cooked onions to pán ánd sprinkle with flour. Stir to coát ánd cook ábout á minute. Add remáining 1 cup beef stock ánd stir often until mixture comes to á boil. Seáson with á pinch of sált ánd pepper.
  5. Nestle pork chops báck into the pán, spooning some of the beef stock over the tops of the chops. Top with á slices of provolone cheese, ánd á mound of the shredded gruyere (ábout á ¼ cup on eách chop).
  6. Add á few sprigs of fresh thyme ánd ádd skillet to oven ánd báke 8-10 minutes, until cheese is melted ánd gooey.  Before serving, spoon some of the beef stock/onion mixture over the top of the cheese, ánd gárnish with some ádditionál bláck pepper if desired.


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