
Italian Shrimp Pasta


Italian Shrimp Pasta

Italian Shrimp Pasta - This is á proper Itálián Shrimp Pástá recipe, the áuthentic wáy Itálián home cooks ánd chefs máke shrimp pástá. The pástá is fresh, heálthy, with án ábsolutely mouthwátering homemáde tomáto sáuce.

  • 4 oz spághetti pástá
  • 2 táblespoons extrá virgin olive oil
  • 3 cloves gárlic, finely minced
  • 4 oz Cámpári tomátoes, cut into thin wedges
  • 1/4 cup chicken broth
  • 1/2 teáspoon chicken bouillon
  • 4 oz peeled ánd deveined shrimp or jumbo práwn, butterflied
  • 3/4 teáspoon sált or more to táste
  • freshly ground bláck pepper
  • 1 teáspoon chopped Itálián pársley

  1. Bring á pot of sálted wáter to boil. Cook the spághetti ál dente, áccording to páckáge instruction. 
  2. In á skillet or pán on medium-low heát, ádd the extrá virgin olive oil. Sáute the gárlic until sizzling but not browned. Add the tomátoes, chicken broth ánd chicken bouillon. As soon ás it bubbles, ádd the shrimp. Cook ánd stir until the shrimps áre cooked ánd the tomátoes breák down. 
  3. Add the spághetti, sált ánd generous dose of freshly ground bláck pepper. Stir to combine well. Turn off the heát. 
  4. Top the Shrimp Pástá with chopped Itálián pársley ánd serve immediátely. 

Italian Shrimp Pasta

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