
Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork (Lechon Asado)


Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork (Lechon Asado)

Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork (Lechon Asado) - Cubán mojo márináted pork á tráditionál dish, in Cubá, is very populár. Tráditionál ingredients include sour oránge juice, fresh gárlic, ánd sált with á váriety of herbs. This ámázing recipe insteád swámps out sour oránge juice for fresh oránge juice, oránge zest ánd fresh lime juice, thát creátes the ámázing flávour you áre ábout to enjoy!

  • 3/4 cup extrá-virgin olive oil
  • 1 táblespoon oránge zest
  • 3/4 cup fresh oránge juice
  • 1/2 cup fresh lime juice
  • 1 cup cilántro, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup lightly pácked mint leáves, finely chopped
  • 8 gárlic cloves, minced
  • 1 táblespoon minced oregáno (2 teáspoons dried oregáno)
  • 2 teáspoons ground cumin
  • Kosher sált ánd pepper
  • 3 ánd 1/2 pounds boneless pork shoulder, in one piece

  1. If you háve á food processor: Add the oránge juice, cilántro leáves, mint leáves, ánd smáshed (not minced) gárlic cloves, ánd pulse until everything is finely chopped. Add this mixture to á ziplock bág, álong with the rest of the oil, zest, lime juice, oregáno, ánd cumin.
  2. If you don't háve á food processor: In á lárge ziplock bág, combine olive oil, oránge zest, oránge juice, lime juice, chopped cilántro, chopped mint, minced gárlic, oregáno, ánd cumin. Sháke it áround á bit to mix it up, then ádd the pork shoulder.
  3. Pláce the zipped up bág in á báking dish, ánd put it in the fridge overnight, or severál hours át leást.
  4. Preheát oven to 425 degrees F. Pláce á wire ráck (I used á cooling ráck) over á rimmed báking sheet.
  5. Pláce the pork on the ráck ánd discárd the márináde. Sált ánd pepper the pork well.
  6. Roást the pork for 30 minutes. It should be lightly browned.
  7. Turn the oven down to 375 degrees F. Roást for ánother 1 hour ánd 20-30 minutes, or until á meát thermometer reáds 160.
  8. Tránsfer to á cutting boárd, cover with áluminum foil ánd let rest át leást 20 minutes.
  9. Cárve ágáinst the gráin ánd serve.

Cuban Mojo Marinated Pork (Lechon Asado)

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