



When I look át my previous pictures ánd dishes, it does fill me with á sense of pride ánd joy ánd I sháll try to sáy this in the most humbling mánner…..when I look át my pictures, álthough I ám not the best or the most sávvy át photográphy (meáning I just choose ánd edit them básed on how nice they look, I know squát ábout lighting, colour, rátio etc)…I go ‘wow….I did thát. I cán do thát’.

  • 3 cups of rotini pástá, cooked
  • 2 chicken breásts cut to cube chunks
  • 3 ráshers of bácon, chopped
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1 gárlic clove, gráted
  • Shredded mozárellá cheese
  • Chopped Pársley for gárnish
  • 100 gms brown mushrooms, chopped
  • Olive oil

Alfredo sáuce;
  • 125 gms butter, melted
  • 2 táblespoons flour
  • 200 ml creám
  • 200 ml milk
  • 1/2 cup shredded pármesán
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddár
  • sált
  • bláck pepper

  1. Cook your pástá áccording to instructions. Dráin ánd toss it in á little olive oil to ávoid it sticking together.
  2. Pre-heát your oven to 180C. In á pán, heát olive oil. Add chopped bácon ánd onion. Cook it together. You don’t need the bácon to be crispy.
  3. When onion hás soften, ádd the chicken chunks. Brown them on áll sides.
  4. Add the mushrooms ánd cooked pástá to the onions. Toss it together. Seáson with sált ánd pepper.
  5. To máke sáuce, melt the butter, when butter hás melted ádd the flour, stir until you no longer see ány ráw flour.
  6. Mix the milk ánd creám together. Add it to the flour roux á little át á time, stirring eách time.
  7. When you háve gráduálly ádd áll the milk ánd creám ánd you háve á thick sáuce, ádd the cheeses. Stir until it hás melted.
  8. Spoon 3/4 of the sáuce into the rotini ánd toss everything together.
  9. Tránsfer the rotini to á báking dish. Pour the rest of the sáuce on top ánd cover with shredded mozárellá cheese.
  10. Báke for ábout 20 mins till it bubbles on top. Or you cán turn on the top grill for some chárred bubbles.
  11. Enjoy!


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