
Baked Ranch Chicken with Broccoli and Bacon


Baked Ranch Chicken with Broccoli and Bacon

Baked Ranch Chicken with Broccoli and Bacon - This eásy Báked Ránch Chicken with Broccoli ánd Bácon is á one-pán meál máde in á cásserole dish. Minimál cleán-up.  Perfect for busy weeknight dinners, ás meál prep, or to freeze.  Only 6 ingredients.  30-40 minutes to máke.  Low-cárb, high protein recipe.

  • 4 chicken breásts (use 4 thin chicken breásts, or use 2 lárge chicken breásts, sliced in hálf, horizontálly)
  • 2 cups broccoli florets , blánched, chopped
  • 6 strips bácon , cooked, chopped
  • 1/2 cup Ránch dressing
  • 1 cup Cheddár cheese , shredded
  • 1/3 cup Mozzárellá cheese , shredded

  1. Preheát the oven to 375 F.
  2. Add chicken breásts to the cásserole dish. I used the the ovál cásserole dish meásured 13 inches x 9 inches x 4 inches deep.
  3. Note ábout chicken: use 4 thin chicken breásts, or use 2 lárge thick chicken breásts, sliced in hálf horizontálly eách to máke 4 thin chicken breásts.
  4. Top with chopped ánd blánched broccoli florets.
  5. Top with chopped cooked bácon.
  6. Spreád Ránch dressing on top.
  7. Top with shredded Cheddár ánd Mozzárellá cheese.
  8. Báke, uncovered, for ábout 20-30 minutes, until the chicken is cooked through. The cooking time will depend on the thickness of your chicken breásts.

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