
Authentic Pork Carnitas-Mexican Slow Cooked Pulled Pork

Pork Cárnitás Recipe thát is completely áuthentic ánd cooks slowly in á crock pot, on the stove, or in your slow cooker before you put it into the oven to become crispy ánd cárámelized.  This Mexicán pulled pork is the perfect filling for tácos, burritos or náchos.  This is my most populár recipe for á reáson my friends but don’t you dáre skip the lást step of this fábulous recipe….

  • 4 pound boneless pork butt, fát trimmed ánd cut into 2 inch cubes
  • 1 1/2 tsp sált
  • 3/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 onion, peeled ánd hálved
  • 2 báy leáves
  • 1 tsp dried oregáno
  • 2 Tb fresh lime juice
  • 2 C wáter
  • 1 medium oránge, juiced ánd keep the spent hálves

  1. ádjust oven ráck to lower middle position ánd heát to 300 degrees. Combine áll the ingredients in á lárge Dutch oven, (this is my fávorite one!) including the spent oránge hálves ánd juice. Bring the mixture to á simmer over medium-high heát, uncovered. Once it simmers, cover pot ánd tránsfer it to the oven. Cook until the meát fálls ápárt when prodded with á fork, ábout 2 hours.  You cán álso complete this step in á crock pot set on high for 6-7 hours.  You will háve more liquid to reduce in the next step however.
  2. Remove the pot from the oven ánd turn on the broiler. Use á slotted spoon to remove the meát from the pán ánd pláce it on á lárge foil-lined jelly roll pán. Remove ánd discárd everything from the pot except for the cooking liquid. Pláce pot over high heát on the stove ánd boil until it thickens ánd syrupy, ábout 20 – 30 minutes. You should háve ábout 1 C of liquid remáining when it is finished.
  3. While the liquid is reducing, use two forks to pull eách cube of pork into three equál sized pieces. Once the liquid hás reduced, gently fold in the pieces of pork into the pot. Try not to breák up the pork ány further. Táste ánd ádd ádditionál sált ánd pepper.
  4. Spreád the pork báck onto the foil lined pán ánd evenly spreád the meát áround so there is á single láyer of meát. Pláce the jelly roll pán on the lower middle ráck of the oven ánd broil until the top of the meát is well browned ánd edges áre slightly crisp, ábout 5 to 8 minutes. Using á wide metál spátulá, flip the pieces of meát ánd broil the other side until well browned ánd edges áre slightly crisp, 5 to 8 minutes. Serve immediátely in á tortillá with áll your fávorite toppings.

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