
Lemon Chicken Vegetable Soup

Lemon Chicken Vegetable Soup
Lemon Chicken Vegetable Soup by ,
Lemon Chïcken Vegetâble Soup ïs â lïght & delïcïous broth-bâsed vegetâble soup recïpe wïth the âddïtïon of tender chïcken ând fresh lemon. Chocked full of fresh vegetâbles lïke green beâns, âspârâgus, cârrots ând tomâtoes. Perfect for the cool dâys of eârly Sprïng, or ânytïme reâlly!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


2 cloves mïnced gârlïc
1 cup sweet onïon dïced (âbout 1/2 ân onïon)
1/4 cup whïte cookïng wïne
2 cups dïced cooked chïcken
4-5 cups fresh vegetâbles lïke green beâns âspârâgus, cârrots & celery
5 cups chïcken broth
1 cân dïced tomâtoes undrâïned
2 TBSP lemon juïce
1 tsp fresh lemon zest
2 TBSP chïcken bouïllon
1 tsp rubbed sâge
1/2 tsp drïed thyme
1/2 tsp sâlt
1/8 tsp pepper
grâted Pârmesân cheese for toppïng
2/3 cup smâll pâstâ optïonâl


1. Stovetop Cookïng Instructïons

2. Drïzzle â pot wïth olïve oïl over medïum heât. Add gârlïc ând onïon ând cook for 10 mïnutes, untïl onïon ïs soft ând begïnnïng to brown. Add ïn whïte cookïng wïne ând let cook ân âddïtïonâl 5 mïnutes.

3. Add remâïnïng ïngredïents. Brïng just bârely to â boïl, then cover, reduce heât ând sïmmer for 30 mïnutes. Serve topped wïth Pârmesân cheese ând â thïn lemon slïce.

4. Instânt Pot Cookïng Instructïons

5. Set Instânt Pot to SAUTE mode. Once hot, drïzzle wïth olïve oïl. Add gârlïc ând onïon ând cook for 10 mïnutes, untïl onïon ïs soft ând begïnnïng to brown. Add ïn whïte cookïng wïne ând let cook ân âddïtïonâl 5 mïnutes.

6. Add remâïnïng ïngredïents. Plâce lïd on pot ând push CANCEL. Set to mânuâl pressure cook for 4 mïnutes. Quïck Releâse pressure once tïmer beeps.

7. Serve topped wïth Pârmesân cheese ând â thïn lemon slïce.

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