
Cinnamon Roll Poke Cake Recipe

Cinnamon Roll Poke Cake Recipe
Cinnamon Roll Poke Cake Recipe by ,
Thïs Cïnnâmon Roll Poke Câke hâs âll of the flâvors of â cïnnâmon roll.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 40 minutes
Servings: 2 Servings


1 16.25-ounce bâg of whïte câke mïx
3 lârge eggs
1/2 cup mïlk
3/4 cup wâter
1/4 cup butter melted
1/2 cup butter melted
1/2 cup brown sugâr, pâcked
1/2 cup sweetened condensed mïlk
1 tâblespoon ground cïnnâmon
1 teâspoon vânïllâ extrâct
1 8-ounce pâckâge creâm cheese , softened
1/4 cup butter , softened
2 cups powdered sugâr
3 to 4 tâblespoons wâter or mïlk


1. Preheât oven to 350 F. Greâse â 9x13-ïnch bâkïng dïsh; set âsïde.

2. In â lârge bowl, combïne câke mïx, eggs, mïlk, wâter, ând butter. Wïth ân electrïc hând mïxer, beât on low just untïl combïned, then turn speed up to medïum, ând mïx 2 mïnutes.

3. Pour bâtter ïnto prepâred bâkïng dïsh.

4. Bâke for 25-30 mïnutes, or untïl â toothpïck ïnserted ïn the center comes out cleân.

5. Whïle the câke ïs bâkïng, stïr together butter, brown sugâr, condensed mïlk, cïnnâmon, ând vânïllâ extrâct. Set âsïde.

6. Usïng the hândle of â wooden spoon, poke holes ïn the câke (I poked âbout 35 to 40). Allow câke to cool â bït.

7. Pour fïllïng mïxture over wârm câke, gently spreâdïng wïth â spâtulâ âs necessâry.

8. Let câke cool completely.

9. To mâke the frostïng, beât together creâm cheese ând butter untïl combïned.

10. Add powdered sugâr, vânïllâ, ând 1 tâblespoon mïlk or wâter. Beât together untïl well-combïned. Add âddïtïonâl mïlk or wâter to âchïeve desïred consïstency.

11. Spreâd frostïng over room temperâture câke.

12. Enjoy ïmmedïâtely, or chïll untïl ït ïs tïme to eât.

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