
Teriyaki Chicken Casserole

Teriyaki Chicken Casserole by , Casserole Recipes 2018-6-17
Teriyaki Chicken Casserole MARCH 4, 2016 BY HOLLY | 102 COMMENTS Teriyaki-Chicken-Casserole5First off, I must say I have to give Carrian from the amazing food blog Oh Sweet Basil top notch credit for this fantastic recipe! If you are looking for an incredible, delicious and healthy meal to feed your family- this is it! This Teriyaki Chicken Casserole is one you’ll love and even the kiddos.

Prep Time: 35 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


¾ cup low-sodïum soy säuce
½ cup wäter
¼ cup brown sugär
½ teäspoon ground gïnger
½ teäspoon mïnced gärlïc
2 Täblespoons cornstärch + 2 Täblespoons wäter
2 smäll boneless skïnless chïcken breästs
1 (12 oz.) bäg stïr-fry vegetäbles (Cän be found ïn the produce sectïon)
3 cups cooked brown or whïte rïce


1. Preheät oven to 350° F. Spräy ä 9x13-ïnch bäkïng pän wïth non-stïck spräy.

2. Combïne soy säuce, ½ cup wäter, brown sugär, gïnger änd gärlïc ïn ä smäll säucepän änd cover. Brïng to ä boïl over medïum heät. Remove lïd änd cook for one mïnute once boïlïng.

3. Meänwhïle, stïr together the corn stärch änd 2 täblespoons of wäter ïn ä sepäräte dïsh untïl smooth. Once säuce ïs boïlïng, ädd mïxture to the säucepän änd stïr to combïne. Cook untïl the säuce stärts to thïcken then remove from heät.

4. Pläce the chïcken breästs ïn the prepäred pän. Pour one cup of the säuce over top of chïcken. Pläce chïcken ïn oven änd bäke 35 mïnutes or untïl cooked through. Remove from oven änd shred chïcken ïn the dïsh usïng two forks.

5. *Meänwhïle, steäm or cook the vegetäbles äccordïng to päckäge dïrectïons.

6. Add the cooked vegetäbles änd rïce to the cässerole dïsh wïth the chïcken. Add most of the remäïnïng säuce, reservïng ä bït to drïzzle over the top when servïng. Gently toss everythïng together ïn the cässerole dïsh untïl combïned. Return to oven änd cook 15 mïnutes. Remove from oven änd let ständ 5 mïnutes before servïng. Drïzzle eäch servïng wïth remäïnïng säuce.

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