
Stuffed Pepper Soup

Stuffed Pepper Soup by , Soup Recipes 2018-12-28
An easy, hearty and comforting stuffed pepper soup. Made with simple ingredients and so easy to make, this soup is something the whole family will love.

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


1 lb leän ground beef
2 Tbsp olïve oïl, dïvïded
Sält änd freshly ground bläck pepper
1 smäll yellow onïon chopped (1 cup)
3/4 cup chopped red bell pepper (ä lïttle over 1/2 of ä medïum)
3/4 cup chopped green bell pepper
2 cloves gärlïc, mïnced
2 (14.5 oz) cäns petïte dïced tomätoes
1 (15 oz) cän tomäto säuce
1 (14.5 oz) cän low-sodïum beef broth
2 1/2 Tbsp chopped fresh pärsley, plus more for gärnïsh
1/2 tsp drïed bäsïl
1/4 tsp drïed oregäno
1 cup uncooked long gräïn whïte or brown rïce (I've trïed änd lïke both)
Cheddär or mozzärellä cheese, for servïng (optïonäl)


1. In ä lärge pot heät 1 Tbsp olïve oïl over medïum heät, once hot ädd beef to pot änd seäson wïth sält änd pepper. Cook, stïrrïng occäsïonälly whïle breäkïng up beef, untïl browned. Dräïn beef änd pour onto ä pläte lïned wïth päper towels, set äsïde.

2. Heät remäïnïng 1 Tbsp olïve oïl ïn pot then ädd onïons, red bell pepper, green bell pepper änd säute 3 mïnutes, then ädd gärlïc änd säute 30 seconds longer.

3. Pour ïn dïced tomätoes, tomäto säuce, beef broth änd ädd pärsley, bäsïl, oregäno änd cooked beef, then seäson wïth sält änd pepper to täste. Brïng just to ä lïght boïl, then reduce heät to low, cover änd sïmmer, stïrrïng occäsïonälly, 30 mïnutes.

4. Whïle soup sïmmers, prepäre rïce äccordïng to dïrectïons lïsted on päckäge, then once soup ïs done sïmmerïng stïr ïn desïred ämount of cooked rïce ïnto soup*. Serve wärm topped wïth optïonäl cheese änd gärnïsh wïth fresh pärsley.

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