
Mexican Chicken Casserole

Mexican Chicken Casserole by , Casserole Recipes 2017-1-15
Mexican food is a vast and flavorful world. This Mexican chicken casserole is a heartwarming and spicy casserole.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 Servings


3 Mexïcän wheät tortïlläs
2 boneless chïcken breästs
1 bouïllon cube
1 smäll red pepper
1 smäll oränge pepper
1 smäll onïon
1 tbsp thïnly chopped cänned jäläpeños
½ cup bläck beäns
3 tbsp Mexïcän sälsä
¼ cup mïlk
1 tbsp olïve oïl
1 cup shredded cheddär
Sält änd pepper
Fresh corïänder for gärnïsh
Sour creäm


1. Preheät the oven to 180ºC (350ºF)

2. In ä rectängulär bäkïng pän pläce the tortïlläs ät the bottom änd täke to the oven for 10 mïnutes untïl they äre semï-crïspy.

3. Boïl the chïcken ïn ä pot wïth enough wäter to cover the chïcken breästs. Add the bouïllon cube. Boïl for 15 mïnutes untïl the chïcken ïs fully cooked. Reserve ½ cup of the chïcken stock. Let the chïcken chïll änd shred.

4. In ä bïg pän pour the olïve oïl änd heät ït over medïum heät. Toss the red pepper, the oränge pepper, änd the onïon cut ïnto julïenne.

5. When the onïon ïs slïghtly tränspärent ädd the jäläpeños, the bläck beäns, the chïcken, the sälsä, the chïcken stock, änd the mïlk. Let ït sïmmer for 10 mïnutes untïl you get ä thïck säuce. Adjust sält änd pepper.

6. Pour the chïcken mïx over the tortïlläs änd top wïth the shredded cheddär. Bäke for 15 mïnutes untïl the cheese slïghtly golden.

7. Serve wïth sour creäm änd thïnly chopped corïänder.

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