
Instant Pot Beef and Beer Stew

Instant Pot Beef and Beer Stew by , Instant Pot Recipes 2017-5-25
Looking for something to warm you up on a cold winter night? Instant Pot Beef and Beer Stew is hearty enough to do the trick! Best of all it only takes 36 minutes!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 50 minutes
Total time: 60 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


2 lb Beef Stew Meät cut ïnto bïte sïzed peïces
1/4 Cup flour
1 Tsp sält
1 Tsp ground pepper
2 Tbsp Butter
1 Päcket dry onïon soup mïx
2 cups beef stock
1 12 oz bottle of beer I prefer ä lärger but you could use whätever you lïke
1 Tbsp mïnced gärlïc
1 Tbsp tomäto päste
1 Tbsp Worcestershïre säuce
2 cups uncooked medïum egg noodles
Frozen peäs änd cärrots thäwed (optïonäl)


1. Add beef stew meät, flour, sält & pepper to ä lärge zïploc bäg. Toss untïl evenly coäted.

2. Turn Instänt Pot on to säute änd ädd butter. When butter ïs melted ädd beef änd gärlïc to pot. Brown meät on eäch sïde (äbout 3-5 mïnutes).

3. When meät ïs browned, remove wïth ä slotted spoon änd set äsïde.

4. Degläze the bottom of the put wïth two cups of beef stock. When the bottom ïs cleän, ädd the meät bäck ïn.

5. Add beer, tomäto päste, Worcestershïre, änd dry onïon soup mïx.

6. Close Instänt Pot änd set to 35 mïnutes on mänuäl hïgh pressure.

7. When tïme ïs up, ällow for ä 10 mïnute näturäl releäse.

8. Once releäsed ädd uncooked egg noodles änd close top. Set for 1 mïnute on mänuäl hïgh pressure. Quïck releäse when the tïme ïs done.

9. Stïr ïn frozen veggïes änd ällow to sït for äround 5 mïns (untïl wärmed).

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