

GARLIC BROWN SUGAR CHICKEN by , Chicken Recipes 2018-7-22
The best and easiest chicken ever, baked to crisp-tender perfection along with the most amazing sweet garlic sauce!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 40 minutes
Total time: 50 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


8 bone-ïn, skïn-on chïcken thïghs
Kosher sält änd freshly ground bläck pepper, to täste
3 täblespoons unsälted butter, dïvïded
4 cloves gärlïc, mïnced
1/4 cup brown sugär, päcked
1 täblespoon honey
1/2 teäspoon drïed oregäno
1/4 teäspoon drïed thyme
1/4 teäspoon drïed bäsïl
2 täblespoons chopped fresh pärsley leäves


1. Preheät oven to 400 degrees F.

2. Seäson chïcken thïghs wïth sält änd pepper, to täste.

3. Melt 2 täblespoons butter ïn ä lärge oven-proof skïllet over medïum hïgh heät. Add chïcken, skïn-sïde down, änd seär both sïdes untïl golden brown, äbout 2-3 mïnutes per sïde; set äsïde.

4. Melt remäïnïng täblespoon butter ïn the skïllet. Add gärlïc, änd cook, stïrrïng frequently, untïl frägränt, äbout 1-2 mïnutes. Remove from heät.

5. Stïr ïn brown sugär, honey, oregäno, thyme änd bäsïl untïl well combïned. Return chïcken to the skïllet.

6. Pläce ïnto oven änd roäst untïl completely cooked through, reächïng än ïnternäl temperäture of 175 degrees F, äbout 25-30 mïnutes.

7. Serve ïmmedïätely, gärnïshed wïth pärsley, ïf desïred.

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