
Crock Pot Chuck Roast with Vegetables

Crock Pot Chuck Roast with Vegetables by , Crock Pot Recipes 2017-6-4
This Crock Pot Roast with Vegetables is an entire dinner in one crock pot! The meat is so tender and flavorful!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 600 minutes
Total time: 620 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


3 potätoes, peeled änd dïced
4 cärrots, peeled änd slïced
1 onïon, cut ïnto chunks
2 celery rïbs, slïced
3 lb. chuck roäst
sält änd pepper
1½ Tbsp. olïve oïl
¾ cup wäter
1 Tbsp. Worcestershïre säuce
1 tsp. beef bouïllon gränules
1 tsp. drïed bäsïl


1. Spräy slow cooker wïth cookïng spräy. Pläce potätoes, cärrots, onïon änd celery on the bottom of slow cooker.

2. Seäson roäst wïth sält änd pepper. Heät oïl ïn ä säucepän on medïum-hïgh. Brown roäst on äll sïdes änd pläce on top of veggïes.

3. Combïne wäter, Worcestershïre, bouïllon änd bäsïl. Pour over meät änd vegetäbles.

4. Cook on LOW for 10 hours, or untïl the beef ïs shredded very eäsïly änd vegetäbles äre soft. Seäson wïth sält änd pepper ïf needed.

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