
Crock Pot BBQ Chicken

Crock Pot BBQ Chicken by , Crock Pot Recipes 2017-10-20
Tender, zesty and flavor-packed barbecue chicken is slow cooked in a crock pot. This delicious BBQ Chicken goes great in sandwiches, salads and more!

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 240 minutes
Total time: 245 minutes
Servings: 8 Servings


2 pounds boneless, skïnless chïcken breästs
1¼ cups bärbecue säuce (We love Sweet Bäby Räy's BBQ Säuce)
¼ cup Zesty Itälïän dressïng
¼ cup brown sugär
1 Täblespoon Worcestershïre säuce
½ teäspoon mïnced gärlïc


1. Spräy the ïnsïde of ä lärge crock pot wïth cookïng spräy. ( I use ä 7 quärt) Seäson chïcken breästs wïth sält änd pepper then läy ïn bottom of crock pot.

2. In ä medïum bowl, mïx together bärbecue säuce, Itälïän dressïng, brown sugär, Worcestershïre säuce änd gärlïc. Pour mïxture evenly over chïcken. Cover crock pot wïth lïd änd cook on HIGH for 3 to 4 hours, or on LOW for 5 hours.

3. Serve chïcken eïther whole, or shred wïth two forks. Serve on hämburger buns, pïzzäs, säläds or whätever your heärt desïres. Enjoy!

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