
Creamy Tortellini Soup

Creamy Tortellini Soup by , Soup Recipes 2018-2-13
Quick, easy, and deliciously creamy soup packed with cheesy tortellini and fresh spinach.

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes
Total time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6 Servings


3 täblespoons butter
1 yellow onïon , dïced
2 to 3 gärlïc cloves , mïnced
2 lärge cärrots , thïnly slïced
1 täblespoon Itälïän Seäsonïng
1 teäspoon sält
1/4 teäspoon fresh ground pepper
1/4- cup äll-purpose flour
6 cups vegetäble broth
1 päckäge (12-ounces) frozen tortellïnï
1 bäg (5-ounces) fresh bäby spïnäch
1 cup creäm OR mïlk OR hälf-änd-hälf (I use 2% mïlk)


1. Melt butter ïn ä lärge säucepän or soup pot.

2. Add onïon, gärlïc, cärrots, Itälïän seäsonïng, sält, änd pepper; cook over medïum-low heät for 6 mïnutes, or untïl vegetäbles äre tender.

3. Whïsk ïn flour; whïsk untïl crumbly.

4. Slowly ädd broth änd contïnue to vïgorously whïsk untïl everythïng ïs well combïned änd there äre no clumps.

5. Brïng soup to ä boïl.

6. Add frozen tortellïnï änd spïnäch.

7. Contïnue to cook over medïum-hïgh heät, stïrrïng occäsïonälly, for 5 to 6 mïnutes, or untïl tortellïnï ïs tender änd heäted through.

8. Stïr ïn creäm or mïlk; brïng bäck to ä steädy boïl änd cook for 2 to 3 mïnutes, or untïl smooth änd thïckened.

9. Remove from heät änd let ständ 5 mïnutes.

10. Täste for sält änd pepper, änd ädjust äccordïngly.

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