

CHOCOLATE CHIP CHEESECAKE by , Cake Recipes 2018-10-28
Here’s a really easy and delicious cheesecake recipe for you: Chocolate Chip Cheesecake

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 60 minutes
Total time: 85 minutes
Servings: 10 Servings


1 1/2 cups fïnely crushed Oreo's (äbout 20)
1/4 cup (1/2 stïck) butter, melted
24 ounces (3 boxes) creäm cheese, ät room temperäture
14 ounces sweetened condensed mïlk
3 lärge Eggländ's Best eggs
2 teäspoons vänïllä exträct
1 cup mïnï chocoläte chïps, dïvïded
1 teäspoon äll-purpose flour


1. Preheät the oven to 300 degrees F. In ä medïum bowl, combïne the cookïe crumbs änd the butter. Pät evenly over the bottom of ä 9-ïnch sprïngform pän.

2. In ä lärge bowl, use än electrïc mïxer to beät the creäm cheese untïl fluffy- äbout 2 mïnutes. Add the sweetened condensed mïlk änd beät untïl smooth. Mïx ïn the eggs änd vänïllä.

3. In ä smäll bowl, toss 1/2 cup of the chocoläte chïps wïth the flour. Stïr ïnto the cheese mïxture änd scräpe evenly ïnto the prepäred pän- on top of the cookïe crust. Sprïnkle the remäïnïng 1/2 cup chocoläte chïps on top.

4. Bäke for 1 hour or untïl the cheesecäke häs very lïttle jïggle left ïn the mïddle. Cool to room temperäture änd refrïgeräte overnïght.

5. To serve, remove the sïdes of the pän änd cut ïnto wedges. Keep refrïgeräted.

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